These recipes are inspired by my family, friends, and online sources!❤

Dish of 2022: lemongrass chicken credit

Literally, all you need is lemongrass, chicken, and fish source (which can be replaced by soy sauce). A simple but flavorful meal! I personally don’t add as much sugar as in the recipe.

卤牛肉 / Beef Stew



煎杏鲍菇 (credit: rs)

番茄牛肉意面酱 (credit: Noralauuu)

Scallop Tomato Soup / 扇贝番茄汤 (inspired by rs. My Signature!)

Have not tried, but seems great!

酸菜白肉锅 (credit: zrc)

油泼辣子 (credit: zkx)


猪肘 (credit: fx)