These recipes are inspired by my family, friends, and online sources!❤
Dish of 2022: lemongrass chicken credit
Literally, all you need is lemongrass, chicken, and fish source (which can be replaced by soy sauce). A simple but flavorful meal!
I personally don’t add as much sugar as in the recipe.
Sugar Cookie credit
- Ingredients:
- 2 cups and 1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 2 egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Instructions:
- Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt in a medium-sized bowl.
- In a larger bowl, use a wooden spoon or mixer to cream the oil and sugar.
- Add the egg and vanilla and mix until combined.
- Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients until dough forms. Add more flour if the dough is too sticky or thin. (Remark: the dough will be less smooth and sticky compared to butter cookie, but it makes things easier when flattening the balls.)
- Chill dough for 30 minutes (it’s okay to go ahead without chilling, as long as the dough is of room temperature.)
- Preheat oven to 350 F
Roll dough into 1.5 inch balls and place on a cookie sheet, flatten with your hand or a pint glass to create a flat circle.
- Yield: 12
卤牛肉 / Beef Stew
- 材料:黄牛肉两斤,切成四方块
- 配料:红干辣椒3个,冰糖:5颗,八角:2颗,桂皮:半片,老抽:2勺,美味鲜:半小碗,黄酒:大半碗。蒜头:4颗。
- 做法:牛肉焯水洗净,入高压锅,把上述调料一次性放入,高压锅气上来后小火40分钟,开锅后大火收汁。放入保鲜碗里。顺便卤蛋的话:煮鸡蛋,剥壳之后加入和肉一起煮。
- 材料: 一斤鸡爪一袋黄酒比例。
- 配料:半碗美味鲜、一勺老抽、干辣椒一把、花椒半把、茴香一个、冰糖3-5颗
- 做法:鸡爪去指甲,中间剖一道。焯水洗干净倒入锅,入黄酒和配料。大火煮开转中火熬干即成。按这个黄酒比配到熬干,鸡爪已经很熟软。
- 材料:虾米干、大蒜
- 做法:先炒大蒜和虾米,炒出香味之后加入菜。 非常之香。
煎杏鲍菇 (credit: rs)
- 材料:杏鲍菇、黄油、黑胡椒、生抽
- 做法:开小火融化黄油,放入杏鲍菇,加一点黑胡椒,煎出水分之后,加少许生抽,开稍微大火收汁。比肉更绵软的口感和甜甜的黄油,加上生抽的鲜味,美味!
- 材料:大蒜两粒、姜一小块、牛肉馅儿700g(山姆买的,也可以自己买牛肉自己切碎)、白洋葱半个、培根150g、番茄1个、番茄膏半瓶(我买的是新疆笑厨牌的,大概120g)
- 做法:
- 大蒜两粒、姜一块,擦成泥备用,洋葱、培根切碎,番茄切小块
- 牛肉馅儿➕蒜泥、姜泥、盐、蚝油、生抽、黑胡椒粉,搅拌均匀
- 热锅,下油,先放洋葱和培根碎,炒片刻后,放切好的番茄继续炒,然后放牛肉馅儿继续炒,炒大概5-6分钟,放入番茄膏,再炒个2-3分钟,加热水,小火慢煮30分钟。
- 用法:煮好意面淋一大勺肉酱,再给娃烤个鸡翅,煮几朵西兰花和鲜豌豆,营养丰富滴一餐搞掂
- Yield: 3
Scallop Tomato Soup / 扇贝番茄汤 (inspired by rs. My Signature!)
- Ingredients:1 Tomato, 2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 slices of bacon, 5-8 scallops (depending on the size, and how many you want to eat!)
- Instructions:
- Mince garlic, cut tomatos into 1/8 of the original size, cut bacon into squares.
- Defrost scallops in cold water (Or wash the scallops if you bought fresh ones), and sprinkle some salt on them.
- (Optional) Fry scallops using oil and/or unsalted butter, just to create some crust. (I usually skip this step).
- Put bacon in heated fry pan until crispy & golden. Add minced garlic (mid-high heat), and add tomatoes when garlic turns golden. When tomatoes become soft, add boiled water (~2 cups).
- Add scallops along with black pepper, 1-2 teaspoons of cooking wine, 2-3 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, and some salt (depending on your taste).
- (Optional) Add 2-3 teaspoons of starch (dissolved in cold water) to the soup at the end. Add parsley for decoration and additional flavor.
- Yield: 1
Have not tried, but seems great!
酸菜白肉锅 (credit: zrc)
- 材料: 五花肉、虾米、酸菜
- 做法:
- 五花肉焯水后整块炖熟,冻硬后切片。
- 用炖肉的汤把虾米泡软后和料头以及挤干水分的东北酸菜炒香。
- 最后砂锅闷上半小时。肥而不腻的五花肉实在太好吃啦~
油泼辣子 (credit: zkx)
猪肘 (credit: fx)
- 配料:郫县豆瓣一勺,大量青花椒,葱姜蒜一坨,十三香胡椒粉少许,适量白砂糖。喜欢吃辣的同学可以再加一堆干辣椒。
- 做法:猪肘先焯水洗净,然后炒糖色煎皮。 捞出后放入上述配料翻炒均匀,然后加入猪肘再次翻炒均匀。(放入高压锅)焖30min后取出大火收汁 (觉得肉快散架了汁还没手完就先取出猪肘),收汁至粘稠后摆盘装盘浇汁。